DTS Pics So Far
The DTS is going great. The students are awesome and they are really hungry for more of God. The school is pretty young this year, but they are a lot of fun. We just got back from a trip down to Queenstown to snowboard and visit a cool church plant for snowboarders. Our speakers last week were my outreach leaders from my DTS so it was really good to see them again. I have been reminded of all the amazing things God did in my life during that time. They spoke on the Kingdom of God and how important it is to have signs and wonders accompany your ministry. Many students experienced God in a way they never have before last weekend and it truly was an unforgettable trip. Unfortunately, I got injured snowboarding and so I son't be able to go for a few weeks. I hurt my ribs, cartalig, and muscles on my left side. It hurts to breath without pain killers. I also have a cold right now so I could use some prayer. My spirit is doing well though. I found out that I am offically going to India for outreach. I have 3 women and 4 men on my team. It's a really good group of students and I am so excited! If you want to know more about what God is doing, throw me an e-mail. lauraleighreimer@gmail.com
hey toby is wearing Chosen.
the world is so freakingly small... i mean, here's you, my best tacoman friend, with a Chosen-friend! it's starting to weird me out. in a good way i guess.
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