Monday, September 25

Legs Growing???

So one of the most incredible things happened on Friday at lectures. We had this German speaker from Australia come named Boris. He had amazing stories of how God has spoken to him so cleary since he's really committed his life to Christ. He shared a story about how he led a team to Indonesia and his group prayed for so many people there and they were healed. Not just people with headaches and sickness, but people in wheel chairs walked and mute kids began to speak. So I was thinking to myself, "self, I would like to see God heal someone." On Friday morning I really felt this strong sense to pray for my small group girl Julie, the one who has had stomach aches her whole life. She stayed in bed that morning, but I went at break and got her to come for the second half of lectures. During that time Boris asked us to split up into pairs to see if any of us had different lengths for legs. He shared a story about how one day someone prayed for him that his legs would be even and God grew one of his legs. Now a lot of his back problems are fixed because he walks correctly. So to make a long story a little shorter...Julie has had hip and back problems her whole life as well, and one of her legs was about 2 centimeters shorter than the other. With her legs out in front in a position where she couldn't move them, we all watched in wonder as we prayed. Boris simply prayed "Holy spirit we ask you to come with your healing power and make her whole in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth, Amen." Right there in front of our very own eyes her leg grew until the soles of her shoes were perfectly even. She freaked out a bit because she could feel it growing. We were all totally amazed. All of our faith, especially Julie's has been increased. We also prayed for a girl named Lara and the same thing happened to her. Then later on that night I heard that some girls got together at the house and prayed for a few more girls and all their legs grew until they were even. INCREDIBLE!!!! I am expecting big things from God on outreach. I want to see more healings and I want God to use me. All I can say is WOW! God is good!


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